Author: Naseem Ahmadpour
Examining the impact of emerging technologies on care workers
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Understanding the experience of ethical tensions in the tech industry
Developing resources to support tech workers investigate and mediate conversations about ethical tensions
Designing Technologies To Support Mindfulness Practice
Exploring interactive soundscapes to guide and support mindfulness practice for novice practitioners.
Designing Virtual Reality for Cognitive Assessment
Spatial navigation memory assessment in VR-CogAssess to detect pre-dementia
Using Virtual Reality to Motivate Physical Activity
Exploring player experience of need satisfaction using VR-Rides platform
Designing Virtual Reality to Support Clinical Training
Supporting clinical training and reflection on performance
Designing for Psychological Wellbeing
Developing an evidence-based toolkit to integrate wellbeing psychology into design
Interactive Biodesign in Health
Reimagining the future of health through biodesign
Technologies for Future Self: Aging Across the Life Span
Challenging notions of ageing and dominant paradigms in everyday technologies across the lifespan
Virtual Reality to Support Anxiety and Pain Management
Exploring design opportunities for using virtual reality technology to support self-managing of anxiety and pain