With Jacaranda

Yanwen Han –

Virtual gallery (Zoom)
Meeting ID: 967 0866 9340
Link to virtual gallery: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/96708669340

If you wish to directly interact,
download the client user interface here!

Location: The Quadrangle, The University of Sydney

The main purpose of the design is to create an opportunity to reconnect with USYD community in this hardship time.This design is based on the story of the iconic jacaranda tree at the University of Sydney. 

The old jacaranda tree had been dead in 2016, the new small tree planted at the same spot is cloned from the old tree. Associating the current context, although we’re suffering from a pandemic, everything will be fine. Like the jacaranda tree has a new life, we will back to our wonderful social life eventually.