Affective Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction
The integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) into urban pedestrianised areas requires social acceptance. This project investigates how affective human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for AVs can support the social interactions between pedestrians and AVs in pedestrian-centred urban environments.

This project encompasses various modes of inquiry, including observation of an extensive naturalistic autonomous driving video dataset captured in several real-world urban areas through AV-mounted cameras, domain-expert focus groups devising user scenarios and emotional expressions on AVs, online crowdsourced survey evaluating video prototypes of scenario-based emotional “eyes” of AVs, and lab studies using virtual reality simulations to examine the quality of pedestrian experience. Through findings from these studies, the goal is to understand the design and the impact of affective HMIs for shaping a more sociable and safer pedestrian-AV interaction experience in cities.

- Yiyuan Wang
- Martin Tomitsch
- Luke Hespanhol
- Stewart Worrall
- Marius Hoggenmüller
- Senuri Wijenayake
- Tram Tran
- Xinyan Yu
- Wang, Y., Wijenayake, S., Hoggenmüller, M., Hespanhol, L., Worrall, S., & Tomitsch, M. (2023). My Eyes Speak: Improving Perceived Sociability of Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces Through Emotional Robotic Eyes. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(MHCI), 1-30.
- Wang, Y., Yu, X., & Tomitsch, M. (2023). Designing Emotional Expressions of Autonomous Vehicles for Communication with Pedestrians in Urban Shared Spaces: Use Cases, Modalities, and Considerations. In Proceedings of the 35th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
- Wang, Y., Hespanhol, L., Worrall, S., & Tomitsch, M. (2022, September). Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction in Shared Space: Insights for Autonomous Vehicles. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (pp. 330-339).
- Wang, Y., Hespanhol, L., & Tomitsch, M. (2021). How Can Autonomous Vehicles Convey Emotions to Pedestrians? A Review of Emotionally Expressive Non-Humanoid Robots. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(12), 84.