Week of Hope

Lu Xu –

Virtual gallery (Zoom)
Meeting ID: 99322518303
Link to virtual gallery: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/99322518303

If you wish to directly interact,
download the client user interface here!

Location: Rhodes Park walkway along Parramatta River

Week of Hope happens during first week of June 2020. Digital lanterns that are made with translucent water-proof material will be place on Parramatta River next to the walkway of Rhodes Park. The front side of the lantern acts as a LED screen that displays #lightthelantern messages people posted online. When passengers get close to lanterns, they will “light up” and each lantern plays different tune. In the prototyping system, mouse cursor represents the presence of audience. Audiences are invited to post message on one of the lanterns. The smaller picture on top gives an overhead view of the scene.

Scenario Walkthrough


For online exhibition, visitors are invited to send and post messages from their end to be shown on the lantern prototype.

Conclusion and reflection

Upon project reflection, MoSCoW analysis framework was adopted. Features that Week of Hope project must, should, could and won’t have are concluded in a table below. 

Three types of user scenario were reflected while and after user testing with different groups of users. The reflections are listed in a table below.